Homescapes, Intimate Portraits: Gallotti&Radice's Newest Catalog

Intimate portraits express themselves with the personification of spaces, whose inner souls reveal a dimension of introspective charm. "Intimate Journey" is Gallotti&Radice's first chapter of their newest catalog, "Homescapes, intimate portraits", a fascinating route which outlines a personal dimension of contemporary living.

"Homescapes, intimate portraits" features environments with bold tones, warmed by details in walnut and made distinctive thanks to its contemporary finishes, which are combined with textural elements and innovative artisanal processes. Subtle materials and refined contrasts inhabit every room and draw together a precise aesthetic.

Discover the Materials of "Homescapes, intimate portraits"

"Colore" Walnut Frisé

The distinctive and warm textures of the "Colore" Walnut Frisé are joined by hand, giving life to a delicate and refined inlay that is unique to its kind. The colors of the wood are enhanced by ancient craftsmanship techniques, which creates an unexpected contrast of shades and geometric patterns.

Ceppo di Gré

Ceppo di Gré is a natural sedimentary stone of a grey/blue color and is mined near the town of Gré on the slopes of the Clemo Mountain, situated on Lake Iseo. Ceppo di Gré has been used since Roman times. Its name derives from the word "Cepp", which in the Milanese dialect means "rock with pebbles". The material of Ceppo di Gré conveys rigorous elegance and versatility when arranged with other materials.

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